Message of Chairman
Communicating through words is a pleasure yet I take this pleasant opportunity to say about Millennium Air Services Ltd. venture procuring manpower from one country to another , around the world.

Apty replete with both men and material, network and infrastructure,Millennium Air Services Ltd . personnel from Bangladesh as well as south and east Asia other suitable sources to discreet requirement by middle Eastern and other esteemed employers.

A concern with to reach the valued client such benefit as maximum pay-off return Millennium Air Services Ltd. takes more care in dealing manpower . Its set of experienced professionals and qualified technicians , test and select right personnel for specified job, medical board constituting also psychiatrists confirm their disciplined on-time placement.

Millennium Air Services Ltd. service with a degree of efficiency that saves time, money and energy of efficiency of the honorable incumbent . A favored scanning of the follwing pages would intimate more of the concern’s conviction to better, broad-spectrum service.


Mohammed Sayed
Govt. Approved Recruiting Agent, Licenc No. RL : 766